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Tree Of Night Meditation

Versione Italiana

© Linda Falorio

Seated in your temple or shrine room, in the middle of a "Typhonian Circle" created by your Shadow Tarot cards, or in any place whereyou can maintain relaxed, uninterrupted concentration, establish a breathing rhythm:


Visualize prana, the life force in the atmosphere around you, as brilliant blue dancing points of light. Focus on your breathing. Inhale to a count of four, visualizing as you do so that you are inhaling this vibrant life energy into your body. Suspend your breath for a count of 4, as consciousness expands, relaxing into the moment. Then exhale to a count of 8, as any accumulated tension dissolves, and drains from the body into the earth.



Continue inhaling and exhaling, eyes opened and aware of the general area about three feet in front you, but without any deliberate focus. By drawing on peripheral vision, you will begin to see and experience the surrounding ocean of vibrating life energy in which we constantly swim, and from which we derive our being.



As the rhythm becomes established, with each breath move deeper and deeper into a meditative state; with each exhalation, consciousness calms, becoming lucid and clear. With each inhalation, visualize that prana is inhaled into the solar plexus; with each exhalation, visualize that this energy of prana is distributed to every organ, muscle, nerve, cell, and atom of your being.



Continue inhaling prana and exhaling, distributing prana throughout the body until you feel invigorated, strengthened, and relaxed, with every nerve stimulated, tingling, and alive, your body charged with vital energy.



Inhale prana as before, and exhale, but visualize that you are breathing, not through your nose or mouth, but inhaling and exhaling each breath through the bones of your legs, continuing to "inhale" and "exhale" through the bones of your legs until the physical sensation comes through.



Inhale prana and exhale as if you are breathing through the bones of your arms.



Inhale and exhale prana as if you are breathing through the top of your skull, continuing until your mind expands, and opens to the Universe.



Inhale and exhale prana as if breathing through the pores of your skin, continuing in this way until your body feels cleansed, and light, entirely alive and open to sensation.



Sweep prana from head to toe with each breath. Inhale, and feel prana rise up through your body, traveling from the base of your spine to the very top of your skull. Exhale; feeling the prana sweep back down from your head to the base of your spine. Continue, reversing the energy current up and down your spine with each breath, until your whole body becomes charged with energy and light.

As if breathing through the seven vital centers each in turn, inhale, drawing power from the earth; then exhale, causing each center to awaken and vibrate with living light.


Continue the rhythm of the breathing. Inhale; drawing energy from deep within the earth, the seething core of molten rock, the stones as old as time, the fertile soil, black and rich — the source of our being, nurturing, and inexhaustible — our atavistic animal roots, reaching deep into the body of the earth.



Drawing power up from the earth through the body, inhale as if breathing through the center of the base of the spine — Muladhara chakra — and exhale, envisioning a blood-red square, the color of the root of life itself.



Continue to inhale, drawing power from the earth, and exhale, attuning consciousness to the many smells around you. Are they pleasant or unpleasant? What emotions are evoked? What memories? Imagine the smell of roses; now imagine the odor of white sandalwood incense.



Drawing power up from the earth through the body, inhale through the center of the reproductive region — Svadhisthana Chakra — and exhale, envisioning a downward pointing triangle, the purple of imagination and desire, which becomes brighter, more tangible with each breath.



Continuing to inhale and exhale, notice whether there is any particular taste in your mouth. Is it pleasant or unpleasant? Imagine the taste of pure, cool water.



Drawing power up from the earth through the body, inhale through the center of the solar plexus — Manipura Chakra — and exhale, envisioning a deep green circular disk.



Continuing to inhale and exhale, notice what is available to your field of vision. What emotions are evoked by what you see? Imagine the image of one deeply loved; look into their eyes.



Drawing power from the earth up through the body, inhale through the center of the heart — Anahata Chakra — and exhale, envisioning a golden, equal-armed cross; and feel your heart expand with love.



Continue, inhaling and exhaling, noticing any sensations on the skin — such as clothing, carpet, temperature, and so on. Imagine the feel of silk against your cheek; now imagine the feeling of a warm gentle breeze. Imagine the feeling of touching the fingertips of your best friend.



Drawing power from the earth up through the body, inhale through the center of the throat — Vishudda Chakra — and exhale, envisioning a mauve crescent, with horns pointing upward.



Continuing to inhale and exhale, notice what sounds are around you. Imagine the sound of the voice of one you deeply love; feel the power of your voice as you whisper to yourself your true name.



Drawing power from the earth up through the body, inhale through the center of the forehead between the brows — Ajna Chakra, the third eye — and exhale, envisioning the six-pointed white star of second sight.



Continuing to inhale and exhale, notice any thoughts that may arise in consciousness. Are they positive or negative? Encouraging or critical? Imagine a rainbow against bright blue cloudless skies.



Drawing power from the earth up through the body, inhale through the center of the cranial suture at the top of the head — Sahasrara Chakra — and exhale, envisioning with each breath the image of the thousand petalled lotus of enlightenment.



With each inhalation, feel energy sweeping up and out through the top of the head like the branches of a tree; with each exhalation, feel this energy sweeping down and around you to create the brilliant blue of our protective aura. Inhaling and exhaling, see the bright blue flames of the circle that encloses us within this sacred space -- a circle that becomes brighter, and more vital with each breath.

Now, bring the energy back down through the body to create the inner experience of The Tree of Night.


Resting in communion with the Angel of your Higher Self, inhale through the globe of brilliant white light that rests above the crown of the head, drawing light and energy from the Stars above, the source of inspiration, and of spiritual sustenance — the seeding of our race. Now exhale through every pore, envisioning the interconnected points of singing light that cover our bodies like a net or web of light.



These are the vibrating nadis of the subtle body, pricklings of light that are the kalas of the stars as they rain down from transplutonian dimensions. Feel their fireworks as they impinge upon your body, and see the universe alive with whirling, pulsing many-colored lights.



Continuing to inhale and exhale, see the vision of the Great Old Ones, who "came from the other side of the sea" of interstellar space. They are timeless travelers, the Mu, the Moa, the ancient Lemurians: They are the gods who are ever-returning, spiralling from past and future into the eternally unfolding present now.

Opening this center brings the power of trans-dimensional, interstellar time-travel.


Moving the breath and energy back down the tree, drawing light down from the stars, inhale through the third eye, — the twin-petalled lotus at the center of the brow — and exhale, as your inward-looking eye gazes upon the reflection of the Moon on still, dark water, and consciousness moves forward into darkness, as oil rainbows spread their patterns upon the mirrored surface of still waters, creating arabesques of iridescent light.

Opening this center brings the power to enter the Dream Time; the power to leave the body at Will. And here is power to utter the "birth words" of a Master of the Temple.


Drawing light down from the stars, inhale through the throat area — Knot of Shiva/ Daδth the entrance to "Universe B" via the Tunnels of Set — and exhale, as the conscious mind falls backward into dark-starred Chaos. Inhale, drawing light down from the stars, and exhale, as the mind further sinks into the backbrain Labyrinth where images are formed, numinous and primitive. Time is suspended as the mind moves to the brink of the black abyss where nerves crisscross: left-brain to right body, right-brain to left — the "decussation of the pyramids" — where reality lurks as an unspeakable world of unthinkable possibility.



Here is The Winged Serpent, the Androgyne-Gyander; combined male-female/ and female-male within one's own body of light. Opening this center brings the power of the voltigeurs, of the leapers between dimensions from world to world at the back of the Tree of Life. Here lies the power of the shaman, the power of shape- shifting, the power of cosmic transmutation of the primal cell. Here too is knowledge of past-present-future as existent in the Now.



Drawing light down from the stars, inhale through the compassionate heart —Tipareth — and exhale, touching emptiness within, for the reality of Self is nothing more than an Ego-less Void between the Worlds, "for there is no god where I am". Continuing to inhale and exhale, see the vision of the Black Snake devouring the eclipsed Sun.

Opening this center brings the power of invisibility; and the power of entering another's body, heart, and mind.


Drawing light down from the stars, inhale through the diaphragm — Veil of Paroketh — Knot of Vishnu, and exhale, feeling the terrible hunger of "The Howler in the Waste"; hear the bestial speech which is its pained, inarticulate expression. Continuing to inhale and exhale, see the vision of the Black Hole of interstellar space, of matter collapsed upon itself by the power of internal attraction, "for my left hand has crushed an Universe, and nought remains".

Opening this center brings the power of speech in silence; the power of invisibility; and the power of the shroud.



Drawing light down from the stars, inhale through the navel — Yesod — connection with the source of life, and with all the richness which animates earthly existence, and exhale, feeling within the body The Primal Soup as it moves and froths; feeling the "juiciness" of life, experiencing the sensuousness inherent in all that flows: emotions, rivers, blood. Continuing to inhale and exhale, see the vision of the overhung, prolific swamp, with dark, enticing waters of illusion that teem with impossible varieties of life.

Opening this center brings powers of fascination and enchantment, of imagination kindled by desire; and the power to create one's personal universe — be it Heaven, or, be it Hell.


Drawing light down from the stars, inhale through the "Center" 2 inches below the navel — The Knot of Brahma — and exhale, connecting with a sense of personal power; as tentacles of light radiating from the Center attach themselves to objects of attention and desire; and "see" yourself and others as glowing luminous eggs of pulsing light. Continuing to inhale and exhale, see the entire universe as a web of "infinitely corroding light," with each interconnected node an energy vortex of sentience, throbbing with the rhythm of life.

Opening this center brings the power of the drummer, as Keeper and Creator of Time.


Drawing light down from the stars, inhale through the que — Malkuth — the tail, and exhale, feeling the Silver Rain of Nuit fall upon us from the stars; feeling the fluids of the sexual kalas as they pour forth from the enraptured body bathed in light. Continuing to inhale and exhale, see the vision of the staff with skull on top — the empty mind.

Opening this center brings the power of tantric energy exchange; the power of distilling the transforming elixir. Here too is the power of consciously entering the dance of sex-birth-death-bliss.



Inhale, raising kundalini up the spine; and exhale, allowing consciousness to pour out through the top of the skull into the exploding universe, the ever-expanding shower of stars.

Rest in Stillness. Silence. Peace.

The Grounding: Inhale; placing hands upon the floor, and exhale all you have collected back into the all-accepting body of the Earth.

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All articles and art © Linda Falorio unless otherwise noted

Linda Falorio / Fred Fowler
Pittsburgh, PA 15224 USA