Developed by
Linda Falorio with
Fred Fowler and Mishlen
for use with The Shadow Tarot™
Kether *Sahasrara* Crown
The Image: The Kalas of the Stars
rain down from transplutonian dimensions.
The Vision: The Great Old Ones
"People who come from the other side of the sea"
of interstellar space, the Mu, the Moa.
Power: That of trans-dimensional / interstellar time-travel.

Binah / Chokmah *Ajna* Brow
The Image: The Inward-Looking Eye.
"With Thy right eye create an Universe."
The Vision: The reflection of the Moon upon still, dark water;
rainbows of oil upon water.
Power: To enter the Dream Time,to leave the body at Will.

Daäth / Vishuddha *Knot of
Shiva* Decussation of the Pyramids
The Image:The Winged Serpent
as Androgyne—Gyander.
The Vision:The Labyrinth,
Entrance to Universe B via The Tunnels of Set.
Power:That of the voltigeurs,
of shape-shifting, of the Shaman, of cosmic transmutation of the primal cell;
Knowledge of past-present-future as existent in the Now.

Tiphareth *Anahata* Heart
The Image: the Black Snake
devouring the eclipsed Sun;the Crossroads.
The Vision: The Ego-less Void between the Worlds:
"for there is no god where I am."
Power: That of invisibility;
of entering another's body.
Veil of Paroketh *Manipura* Knot of
Vishnu / Diaphragm
The Image: The Black Hole,
matter collapsed upon itself.
"For my left hand has crushed an Universe,
and nought remains"; a dark rain cloud.
The Vision: "The Howler in the waste."
Power:That of speech in silence;
hunger; the power of the shroud.

Yesod *Svadisthana* Navel
The Image: The Primal Soup as it moves and froths.
The Vision: The swamp, the waters of illusion;
the water gourd, the cup filled with wine.
Power: That of fascination and enchantment;
of imagination kindled by desire;
The creation of one's own universe.

Knot of Brahma *Center* Ch'i
The Image: The Web, tentacles.
The Vision: Interconnected nodes of infinitely corroding light.
Power: That of the drum, as keeper and creator of Time.

Malkuth *Muladhara* Que
The Image: Nuit, the Silver Rain,
the sexual kalas as they pour forth from the body of the Suvasini.
The Vision: The Dance of sex-birth-death-bliss;
the staff with skull on top; the empty mind.
Power: That of tantric energy exchange,
of distilling the transforming elixir; of raising kundalini up the spine,
exploding consciousness into the Shower of Stars.

© linda falorio, 1996