Linda Falorio 1995
on the razor's edge of non-control between Oblivion and Bliss, we bring
life back into balance by letting go, allowing for creative Chaos.
the Dark Star of Chaos, The Twelvth Planet, bears down upon our
world, in its 3600-year orbit of the Sun, Earth is bombarded with
destabilizing electro-magnetic radiation, causing great geophysical
upheavals—earthquakes, volcanic eruptions,
freak weather conditions, monster storms, tidal waves, and cataclysmic
floods. The ancient Sumerians spoke of the existence of this planet of
cyclic catastrophes, which they called Nibiru. Though long
thought to be purely mythical, the objective existence of this enigmatic
planet was confirmed in 1983 by a sighting of the IRAS satellite (San
Francisco Chronicle, Dec. 27, 1983). Modern archeologists who
hypothesize that this planet may have played a role in the mass
extinction of species that occurred in the Cretaceous Period,
some one-hundred million years ago, have named it “Nemesis,” after the
Greek goddess of divine vengeance and retribution.
Elliptically orbiting bodies such as Nibiru, and the various comets,
are major “seed” forces from the galaxy, bringing into our solar system
from the far reaches of deep space, alien elements and unknown metals,
organic sequencings of molecules, and proto strands of DNA—viruses—that
lay cold and dormant in the absolute zero temperatures of space as they
travel silently from star to distant star, in search of viable hosts and
an atmosphere in which to flourish. Thus, the discovery of new comets,
and the advent of their cyclical returning, as well as the cosmically
greater event of the returning of the planet, Nibiru, stirs the
archetypal excitement of a “Second Coming,” and foreshadows the
possibility of radical change. These events raise both hope, and
fear, in the human psyche, of the possiblity of transcosmic forces
taking a deliberate role in human affairs. We see this in the mounting
evidence of UFO abductions, and in the shadow cast across history by the
Christian concept of the Millenium, and, as we await the final phase of
the Mayan “Harmonic Convergence” sequence, slated to occur in the year
2012 CE.
planet Nibiru, because it tends to create unbalance when its
orbit intersects our solar system and its path bears down upon our world
as it travels from Pluto inward toward the Sun, is associated with the
sign of Libra, the sign of The Balances, and,
significantly, the sign of “the other,” i.e. our extraterrestrial
brothers. It is known that the gods, the divine personages of world
cultures and religions, such as those of the Sumerian pantheon,
Ishtar, Anu, Enki, Marduk, the Mayan Quetzalcoatl, the gods
of the Egyptians, Ra, Osiris, Horus, Isis, Set, the Greek gods,
Cronus, Zeus, Athene, Aphrodite, the Celtic Cuchulhain,
the Philistine’s Dagon, Shaitan of the ancient Yezidi, and
Yahweh of the Tribe of Judah, Buddha, Christ, the Hindu
gods and goddesses, Šiva,
Kali, Padmasambhava,
those wrathful deities of the Bön Pó
and Tibet, to name but a few—all
had miraculous interactions with humankind, bestowing
gifts of culture, social conscience, moral codes, law, art, craftsmansip,
agriculture, and, in some instances, demanding
worship in return. Since such illuminations delivered of the gods seem
to coincide with Nibiru’s perihelion cycle, at which time it is closest
to the Sun and which recurs about every 3600 years, may it not be that
these were, in truth, extraterrestrial visitors who periodically
returned to guide and instruct humankind, and seeming to their visitants
as gods—Ancient Nibiruans all—and
true bringers of culture to our world? Or is
it that they are merely mythic expressions of
an ancient memory of First Contact?
Nibiru’s most recent return to our solar system occurred
around 100 B.C.E. and probably influenced Gnostic sources. The Sumerian
symbol for Nibiru was the eight-pointed star, the same symbol as that of
the Star of Bethelehem, the Star of Christ. Was
the historical Christ in actuality an ancient extraterrestrial visitor
from the planet Nibiru, here to show humanity the error of our ways? The
Gnostic symbol for Christ is 888—the
universal number—which on digital read-outs,
contains all possible numbers from 000 to 999 within itself.
Nibiru’s return to our solar system in 3600 B.C. was carefully recorded
in ancient Sumerian sources, and has been interestingly interpreted by
Zacharia Sitchin in his Earth Chronicle series.
Currently, (until about 2150 C.E.), Nibiru's cycle is 400 years past its
aphelion, moving in toward our solar system from what is its farthest
point from the Sun on its long elliptical orbit, similarly positioned as
when the Greek Centaur, Chiron, healer and teacher, lived upon
Earth some 3600 years ago. This point in the Nibiru cycle brought an
evolution in human consciousness, resulting in the shift from Matriarcy
to Patriarchy, and the usurpation and decline of the Goddess religions.
In about 1500 B.C.E, the ancient island of Calliste, known in
later Greek times as Thera, and today called Santorini,
exploded in a massive vulcanic eruption, triggering a tidal
wave thought by modern oceanographers to have been as much as 300 feet
high, and which swept the shores of Greece, Asia Minor, and Egypt. This
tidal wave brought about the destruction of Crete, and caused the rise
of the Red Sea which drowned those in pursuit of the Hebrews during
their Exodus from Egypt, and was similarly the source of the flood which
the Greek Deucalian, son of Prometheus, survived with his wife
Pyrrha, and after which they set about to renew the human race.
Greek goddess, Themis, who may herself have been a Nibiruan, had
a hand in repopulating the earth after Deucalion's Flood. “Themis,”
meaning “order,” was one of the Titans, or Elder Gods, and it was
she who “ordered” the year into thirteen lunar months of 28 days each,
making a total of 364 days, with one day added upon the year. The phrase
“a year and a day,” means not 366 days as is commonly supposed,
but refers instead to Themis' lunar year of 364 days, with
one day “left over.” It was the great goddess as Themis who decreed the
Island of Illumination, which was the “Isle of Amber,” the eastern
island of Samothrace, to be a sacred place where no reverence would be
paid to any deity other than the Great Triple Goddess. Themis'
daughters, the Horai exemplified the qualities that Librans,
ruled by Nibiru, seek: Eunomia, “lawful order;” Dike,
“just retribution;” and, Eirene, “peace.”
was from Themis that Zeus derived his judicial authority, and it was
She who convened the assemblies of the Olympians at which she sat at
the side of Zeus as the embodiment of “Divine Justice,” which is the
oracular power of the Earth herself. This oracular power, resident in
the collective unconscious, was given voice in ancient times via
the Delphic Oracle, a gift to Themis herself from Mother Earth.
For Libra, sign of justice, was originally a part of the constellation
Scorpio known as the Chelae, “The Scorpion's Claws.” Its image
was depicted in the Babalonian zodiac as the claws of the Scorpion, a
dark and primitive creature of chthonian
depths and the collective unconscious, holding the Lamp of Illumination:
it is out of connection with deep instinctual life that transcendant
wisdom comes.
Libra, sign of relatedness and social contact, symbolic of the human
urge to connect with “not I,” with “the Other,” is a dual sign, ruled by
Inanna/Ishtar, Goddess of Love, and Goddess of War. Those born with this
asterism strongly marked are pulled to create harmony and balance in the
human sphere. Librans seek justice in the human realm, they seek a peace
that derives from a fair and equitable social order, and laws derived
from wisdom. Yet typically, Librans are not averse to fighting to
achieve their goals. Gyrating around a central fulcrum, their ultimate
goal is that of the Buddhist Middle Path. Yet in an attempt to create
balance, to see all possibilities inherent in a given situation, in an
effort to be fair and just in their pronouncements, the Libran
temperament sometimes falls prey to apparent indecision. More often
though, those with inner attunement to the powers of The Balance will be
found going from one extreme to the other in an effort to create balance
out of the apparent chaos of their acts.
blind seer, Teiresias, typifies these qualities of balance and
fairness, as well as those of duality, and ambivalence. Though born a
man, the Greek, Teiresias, was transformed into a woman, passing seven
years as a celebrated whore. This circumstance qualified him to pass
judgement upon the question put to him by Zeus, as to who derived more
pleasure from the sexual act, man or woman. Teiresias, upon answering
that woman derived more pleasure, was struck blind by Hera, Zeus’
jealous goddess-wife, for answering so truthfully, yet tactlessly.
oldest Tarot image associated with Libra is the card called “Justice,”
which shows the goddess Themis holding the scales of Justice in her left
hand, while the double-edged sword of Truth is in her right. The scales
which Themis holds are the scales of Karma, indicating that actions once
taken cannot be undone. We must reap the harvest formed by actions taken
in the past, as we form our future destiny by actions taken now. And
Libra rules The Balances, the scales upon which the human
heart is weighed in the Halls of the Dead as the soul approaches
the Egyptian afterlife in Amenta. The balanced feather against which the
heart is weighed upon the scales of judgment is symbolic of the Goddess
Maat. On Egyptian funerary walls, the monster Amemait, “the
devourer,” part lion, part hippopotamus, and part crocodile, is seen to
crouch nearby, waiting to eat the hearts of those judged to be among the
in esoteric teachings as “Daughter of the Lords of Truth,” “The Ruler of
the Balance,” this card is associated with the sign of Libra and the
Atumnal Equinox, when, in the waning cycle of the year, Light and
Darkness come into a precarious, momentary balance, which then swiftly
shifts into the darkening of the light, as the nights inevitably
lengthen. The Thoth tarot depicts “Justice” as a dancer poised on
toe-tip, wearing the Uraeus Serpent of the “Lord of Life and Death” upon
her forehead, and crowned with the plumes of Maat, the Egyptian goddess
of Truth and Perfection. The sword of Truth sweeps away clouding
emotion, bringing clarity of mind, and ultimately, Illumination. The
sword of Wisdom cuts through the Mystery, so that by seeing and
accepting the past, we free ourselves from it. Action coming out of
understanding brings meaning and value to our lives. In finding our
center, our lives come into balance; when all comes into balance, we are
ultimately free. Masked and mysterious, this dancer, constantly
whirling, dances the dance of the illusion of manifestation, it is the
dance of Maya, the colorful dance of life itself, in which all
possibilities are enjoyed, in which all things are harmony and beauty,
and all manifestations are Truth. Nirvana equals Samsara
in this dance of life. All is illusion, no matter how frightening, or
appealing, it may seem, where each experience is to be absorbed,
transmuted, adjusted, sublimated, and ultimately birthed, into
its next manifestation.
“Justice,” “Adjustment,” Atu VIII, of dayside tarots finds its
Shadow side in the Tunnel of Lafcursiax, where Themis turns her face
to us as Nemesis, “due enactment.” Born of the blood of Uranus,
she is known as “Divine Vengeance,” and as Adrasteia, “the
Inescapable One,” who is the oracular Crone of Autumn. With Her,
there is no grace, there is no guilt, there is no prophylactic prayer
with which to placate the fate which we have ourselves created. Neither
Nemesis nor Aidos had their home among the gods, for "only when men
become completely wicked will they leave the earth and depart to the
company of the immortals," their beautiful faces veiled in white
raiment. (EH)
the Tunnel of Lafcursiax, Inanna/Ishtar meets her dark double Ereshkigal.
Maat, goddess of perfection, is also The Dark Goddess, Maut the ravenous
Vulture, a tabooed bird, sacred to Osiris, said to be fertilized by the
wind, and important to Etruscan Augurs. In present-day Tibet, the dead
are left to the vultures still; and in Bombay, the Parsis expose their
corpses high upon the “towers of silence,” leaving them to the tender
mercies of the vulture clans. In The Eagle's Gift, Carlos
Casteneda speaks of “the power that governs the destiny of all living
beings,” which he calls “the Eagle . . . [which] . . . is devouring the
awareness of all the creatures that, alive on earth a moment before and
now dead, have floated to the Eagle's beak, like a ceaseless swarm of
fireflies, to meet their owner, their reasons for having had life. The
Eagle disentangles these tiny flames, lays them flat, as a tanner
stretches out a hide, and then consumes them; for awareness is the
Eagle's food. The Eagle, that power that governs the destinies of all
living things, reflects equally and at once all those living things.”
in the Tunnel of Lafcursiax, the vulture goddess, Maut, toys with
her pet spider, feeding it such ribbons of flesh, torn from the souls
of the living. That She has been doing this from ages past is
attested to by the discarded skull of Australopithecus africanus,
having a geological age of about 3 million years. Sparks of human lives
are the fuel of her existence, whose origins have been lost in dim mists
of time, when the Sons of God, the Nephilim walked the Earth,
when Star People came from Nibiru, planet of Balance and Unalance.
spider is the dark emblem of Typhonian mysteries, of the ancient serpent
cult of Obeah, and of the Ophidian current, it is the emblem of the
goddess Maat in her cycle of returning. The crazy symmetry of the
spider's web spans the abyss of in-betweenness into which we might
otherwise fall backwards; crossing from being to non-being, from the
known universe into the Aeon of Maat ever spiraling toward us from an
unknown future. Hanging upside down, the Spider Queen of Space spins Her
web, creating 256 windows into other dimensions, transmission towers in
the void pulsing extra-terrestrial energies that serve to erode, then
mutate human consciousness: it is the dread voice of Hastur, swirling
darkly through the vastness of the universe.
In her book "Chiron:
Rainbow Bridge Between the Inner & Outer Planets" Barbara Clow speaks of
the explosion An inner memory of that 1500 B.C. cataclysm, reviving the
inner memory of the earlier Atlantean destruction, is responsible for the
blind fear re. global disaster current in our culture today. The Goddess
was blamed for the cataclysm, since it was up to the Goddess religion to
guard fertility and planetary balance. If we do not come to understand
the cycle of the Twelfth Planet which rules the balancing of our planet in
the solar system, then this time the patriarchy will be blamed for the
destruction that is upon us.
point in the Nibiru cycle, until about 2150 C.E. is major
balancing/unbalancing point, where we may finally come to balance
Mars/Venus, anima/animus, male/female, as did the blind seer Tereasias.
“The electromagnetic energy is increasing in the atmosphere, as evidenced
by the re-energizing of megalithic stone circles and pyramid temple
complexes all over the world, just because this point in Nibiru's cycle is
an unbalancing point. "...
We are on the verge of an entirely new, stellar synchronization
phase.” Whenever this happens we have a chance to 'jump the cycle' and
move to another place in the spiral of consciousness evolution. Nibiru
causes weather unbalances and liberates deep Earth forces, but it also
liberates Eros. ...” “This force is Plutonian when repressed, like
Prometheus in the Underworld, because all repression becomes Plutonian.
But his force is ideally Uranian serpent power, if we each let it rise in
the spine as kundalini energy.”
imminent Return this time around is marked by re-emergence of the
Feminine, a redressing the male-female balance-imbalance: "Take Back The
Night"! It is this Goddess who returns from our archaic past, her visage
an adumbration of our far future selves, time-warped into a chaotic
present: Inanna/Ishtar, Goddess of Love, Warrior Goddess who redresses all
imbalance with a merciless swift sword.
In this
card: "Life out of Balance"; we are reminded of the need to remain in
harmony with natural cycles. We are reminded that we must accept the
limitations of our physical existence Thus symptoms of needing to work
this tunnel are rigid adherence to abstracted notions of linear,
patriarchal law; belief in peace without justice; belief in Divine Right,
in hierarchies, in the rightful place of Woman, in the Virtue of the
status quo; belief in a merciful god; fear of knowledge, freedom, joy and
life, of having "too much fun". Any blocking of these manifestations of
risen kundalini result in literal vertigo. The formula of dealing with
this vast influx of electro-magnetic and bionic energies is that of
"no-balance", the loosening, letting go of dayside need for linear
balance, and conscious control that is at the root of nausea and vertigo;
relaxing, allowing a natural upward spiraling of energy.
powers of this tunnel are operating on the razor's edge of non-control; of
fearing not to redress imbalance; fearing not the power of righteous fury.
Here is joy of life, and passionate love, reeling on danger's edge of
un-balance between oblivion and bliss; ecstasy, and creative chaos:
eight-armed symbol of the planet Nibiru. |