From the triple GoddessNew/Full/Dying Moonthe Great One of the Night of Time
whose Saturn sickle speaks of Death came the Trees of Darkness: Tree Alphabet, language,
ordering, thus begetting time, history, and genealogy, thus crystallizing ego, and ending
the blissful period of timeless wavering myth.
The Moon is thus the progenitor of Time, the 37-year cycle of Her Nodes generating the
Great Polar Cycle of 25,900 Earth years, creating the Precession of the Equinoxes as the
North Pole points to each of seven stars, here reflected in the pool of space round which
the crocodile Sebek/Set, expectantly curls, ready to devour ego into uroboric bliss. Thus
the Cosmic Serpent, spiraling tail in mouth, never returning to the same point in
celestial space, traces the 7-fold Star of Isis-Babalon in athetoid progression around the
pole of the ecliptic. This Great Year corresponds to 5 Mayan Great Cycles, and marks
Nibiru's inevitable returning.
Thus the stellar current earths in chthonian dream cells through Thantifaxaththe
ego boundary, arachnoid membrane, the linking point of inner/outer, of
microcosm/macrocosm, Bifrost, rainbow bridge between terrestrial and stellar currents.
Crystallized in matter, the current turns upon itself, shoots up Sushumna in the spinal
column, flowering into thousand-petalled Sahasrara, in the tellurian halo of Northern
Lights transmitting earth rays to the stars, and bringing the New Age upon Earth:
"Raise Chthulhu to the Stars!"
The sigil appears upon a diamond used to imprison souls in space, creating living
zombies. Here is crystallization that is living death, dying from the inside-out, body
armoring, ego-encrustation, crystallization at a too-early stage impeding further growth.
For whom are zombies, but those who identifying ego with Self have forsaken childhood
dreams, who have forever lost the key to Never-Never Land, that charmed inner Paradise.
The need to work with the energies of Thantifaxath may be signaled by experiencing
feelings of restriction, feeling tied down, time bound, old, depressed, blind, dead. Here
too, is fear: fear of voudoun, of being mounted by the Loa; fear of magickal attacks;
separation anxiety. Here is fear of death, which results in leeching present moments of
life and power by dwelling in a nonexistent past and projecting toward an illusionary
future. In the Microcosm there is psychological de-compensation, loss of ego, while
macrocosmically we find deterioration of Polar ozone that protects fragile Terra from
blasting stellar rays.
Powers we may find here are the ability to cross dimensions, to bridge boundaries, to
link inner and outer, to communicate with denizens of parallel worlds: fairies, yetis,
elves. Here is power to understand and to use the raw energy of time inherent in its
cycles, and here is the Time Lord's power to transcend its limitations, to relate to
eternal NOWno "lusting for result.